Collinsport. On this night Nicole Collins has discovered that Rhyaad de’Annar, whom she had long thought of as a mentor and a friend, has secretly slipped into the Old House in order to steal the mysterious Orb that Nicole believes to be a key to activating the time traveling properties of Quentin Collins’ grotesque bookcase. The confirmation of that betrayal has left Nicole Collins devastated. In a stormy confrontation she has broken her relationship with Rhayaad and having left the Old House, she seeks solace now among the dead. Only on this night, Nicole Collins will discover for her there is no solace.

Outside the Collins Mausoleum, Nikki stands looking up at the bright moon, which was once more revealed as the ominous clouds moved quickly past. Hands rubbing at her shoulders she takes a deep, long sigh – trying to regain some control. That is why she had driven to the old family cemetery . . . to assure that she could be alone. That she would not be a threat to anyone.

She had lost control— and she hated losing control . . . but this pain was deep. Many had deceived her . . . but this hurt, the lies and deception by Rhyaad, had been almost more than she could bear. He had been a mentor; he had been there when she arrived in Collinsport and was struggling with the vampire within, had helped her during the shock of discovering who her mother was, of how she had been conceived, saved her in the aftermath of Lilith’s attack, stood with her against Petofi—and now . . .

She wipes away a blood tear as she steps out of the darken mausoleum and into the moonlight.

Now it was time for her to accept a simple truth. She would always be betrayed. Why? Because she kept trying to think and act like a human. She had to stop believing in others. She was a vampire. A creature of the night and she could, and would survive on her own. It was time to quit trying so desperately to remain human, to try and cling to a life that was forever gone.


She could not give into that solitary, vengeful creature always whispering within. She took a deep breath and trembled as she mentally struggled with the beast she had released and allowed to take control. She was not about to take the long darken journey her mother had taken and struggled so long to recover from—she was after all a Collins!

She looked up at the family name cut into the gray granite.

This was her father’s land. Isaac Collins had built a home, a town, and an empire out of the wilderness and the sea. And as her father before her had protected the family against witches and warlocks, sorcerers and necromancers, ghosts and eidolons, werewolves and vampires, Leviathans and the Great Old Ones, and other minions of the outer Gods, it was now her turn. Her father had always had Julia Hoffman – his sole ally. For her, there was only–Esther! They had started Collins Investigations together.

She was her only true friend.

Further into the woods Esther marched — away from the Old House.

She could not believe that things had come to this – that Rhyaad had been so determined to destroy his relationship with Nikki. And then to actually threaten her! To invite that Massachusetts doctor into Nikki’s secret room! But then again—there was a difference between Nik and Rhy . . . he relished being a vampire, he had lived along enough that he enjoyed being able to overpower others, whereas Nikki, she struggled with it, she fought to maintain her humanity.

She only resorted to using her vampiric powers when she was forced to do so.

Esther pushes a limb aside and sees now the small clearing just up ahead.

She takes the pack of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket. The end of the cigarette glows red embers in the night, in the flame of her Zippo lighter as she takes a long drag of the Marlboro and snaps the lighter closed.

“Godd**n Rhyaad and Artemis!” She mutters to herself as she paces now in the small clearing on the Collins Estate where several benches had been set up – a place that David Collins liked to come and think – or so she understood.

She could not get the sound of Nik’s voice out of her thoughts. She had never heard her sound like that – sound like a vampire. It was chilling. That was but a glimpse of what lives inside her, she had never thought how much she must struggle to keep that creature at bay.

She steps over to the benches and sits down.

And now – god where was Nik! As angry as she was, Esther knew that the anger came from the fact she was deeply hurt— hurt by his cold betrayal. And now she was out there in the night somewhere. Was she able to subdue that—that monster? God, Nik always said she was a monster. Now she knew what it was she feared.

She smokes the cigarette and then flicks it into a falling comet arch that crashes into hot sparks in the grass, and takes another cigarette from the pack.

She reaches into her jacket pocket for her lighter.

Only a lighter now just suddenly appears before her, “Allow me, my dear.”

The voice is cold and filled with a European accent.

The lighter flicks into flame and she lights the cigarette, drawing in the smoke, almost instinctively before she turns to look at him and starts choking.

“Y- y-you!”

“Ah yes. It all comes flowing back.” Casimir says with a wicked smile. “Don’t worry. The berry is not ripe for the picking, but I’m sure a taste is not unappreciated.”

Esther, having left her shotgun in the Old House, suddenly draws her knife, but it is easily wrestled out of her hands.

“Still got David’s spunk I see. “ He says with a laugh filled with cruel malice.

He suddenly cocks his head as he hears something.

His face grows stern.

Nikki pushes aside a branch of an old oak tree, and smells cigarette smoke. She had heard Esther voice – and another. And now senses Esther is in trouble.

She begins to quickly move along the narrow path to the clearing where she knows there are benches.

“Let go of me now!” Esther struggling reaches for her knife with her free hand.

Nikki suddenly sees Esther on the bench struggling with—it was one of them from the farm house.!

“Nice evening isn’t it,” She says appearing beside the vampire.

“Now now, when this is over, you shan’t remember a thi—Oh, hello Miss Collins. What a pleasant surprise. Care to join me for lunch?”

Nikki smiles, her eyes catching the moonlight, “Would you care to have your bloody head removed and handed back to you?”

Casimir’s eyes narrow and he releases Esther.

Esther quickly grabs her knife and holds it out to the vampire.

Nikk’s eyes have gone dark and her fangs are distended, and she looks at him.

“It is a common misconception that the younger and more rash a vampire is, the more dangerous they are.” Casimir replies now calmly.

“Really, is that so. Well can I ask you a question?”

He sits a moment as if considering the question, “Go ahead.”

“If I understand correctly you serve the House of Báthory is that not correct?”

He smiles his wicked smile, “You’re hearing is most impeccable. As was my eyesight. But before we continue this conversation,” he now reaches into his jacket and from an inner pocket withdraws a letter.

He holds it before him. “I have this.”

“What is it?”

“Something for you little friend.”

Nikki lifting her arm, suddnely bites her wrist, letting her blood flow, remembering her conversation with her mother about their family, their noble blood and respect due to blood. “Then you should be able to recognize the blood of the House of Báthory, for I am Countessa Báthory.”

Esther stands squirms a bit as she grabs her wrist and hold her seated on the bench.

“And you will leave that young woman alone as my mother is Countess Báthory. And I would think she knows a few more tricks that a young vampire, and if I were to ask, I am sure she would be more than happy to pay you a little visit so as to show some of them to you.”

“I’m afraid young one that the family has moved beyond the blood countess my dear.” He says with indifference as he inspects his fingernails. “And claims of blood have a bit more weight than the mere claims of a fledgling.”

Nikki watching the vampire she knows as Casimir warily, now turns her attention to the letter, “So—it is true. There is no longer any loyalty to the ancient ways.”

“Oh by far there is. More so than this mere schism in the family.”

“Here my dear,” And he hands the letter to Esther.

Esther opens the envelope. The letter inside is faded and worn vellum

“Then you would at least do me the honor of honoring my bloodline.” Nikki tells him as she looks Esther as she unfolds the very old sheet of paper.

“I would let her read the letter before jumping to any of your hasty conclusions fledgling.”

Esther looks up, “I can’t read Latin.”

“Ah mores the pity,” he says and places a forefinger to the center of her forehead, and suddenly, the words on the page seem to change . . .

The letter is a contract which reads: On this, the Twelfth day of December 1586 by the Christian calendar, I hereby pledge my life, and the life of my descendants to the service of his majesty, King Stephen, by the grace of God, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, Russia, Prussia, Mazowsze, Samogitia, Kiioviae, Voliniae, Podlachiae, Livoniaeque, as well as prince of Transylvania. With this document, I hereby guarantee the safety of the Jewish people in the land of Poland, as much as His majesty can offer. Me, and my descendants, shall do the bidding of his majesty, no matter the cost. I hereby pledge. May I be free in heaven. Signed, Moishie ben Aliyah.

The signature is written in blood, and the wax seals of the commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania and the House of Báthory are affixed to the bottom.

“This document was signed by Young Esther here’s ancestor, not under any duress whatsoever. I know. I was there my dear fledgling. Now I believe this document predates your prior arrangement with Miss Esther Friedman. Now,” He takes the letter from her hands,” If YOU truly care about tradition, then you would recognize this claim upon your friend.”

“What does that thing say Esther?

“It says – It says I am bound to do the bidding of Stephen Báthory!”


“A contract – between my ancestor and him.”

Nikki looks as Casmir, “So you do me no honor nor any honor to my birthright and yet you now expect me to uphold a tradition that you refuse?” Nikki says, “You call me a fledging but you sir are an ass.”

“As I said we had moved beyond the Countess.” He says to her, “The Countess is dead to us, as she has died and returned to the enemy.”

“I care not what you have moved beyond. But Blood is Blood and his blood too runs through me for I too am of the House of Draculesti, and the Dracul, has sai . . . Blood is the Life. Seeing as how you seem to know nothing of me. If this document means anything it is because of blood, but since you say you have moved beyond blood, then you and this document are just as dead to me.” Nikki raises and eyebrow, “Whatever your schism, with whomever, I am not my mother.”

Casmir carefully folds the letter and puts it back in his pocket, “Indeed you are not.”

“I am noble born and not dead. And you have not moved beyond me.”

He looks at her and then; “HA! Hahahahaha!” he bursts out into laughter.

Nikki looks at him and knows now what her mother means about nobility, for she knows that some day for that that laugh, she is going to shove it and his fangs back down his throat but at the moment, Esther’s safety is paramount. And—he has no idea of what she is truly capable of doing should she succumb to her most darkest nature.

“Blood is stronger than water true, but the moment the rich aunt dies, the entire herd closes in, eager to divide the spoils of her life. Now, Erzsébet, she died, and I mean died dead died, back around the turn of the last century, I think. And so, she is no longer alive. She is dead to us. My, my, you are really are new two the whole house of Báthory thing. You know. I am not technically a Báthory. I am a Gruszowski. Would you believe it? But My lord took me and here I am, his loyal vassal for all eternity.”

He laughs again.

“Yes, I would believe, for all eternity, you are still nothing more than a peasant. A mere servant and not a good one at that.”

He stops laughing, his eyes cold.

“And more than an ass, a fool, if you think Elizabeth Báthory dead.” Nikki looks at him now with a wry smile.

“I have heard she had returned, but once dead, always dead. No my dear fledgling you are not a Báthory even if we did recognize Erzsébet. YOU my dear are a Collins through and through.”

She holds up the ring she wears, the blood red ring with the seal of Báthory. “Then I will be certain to ensure that all of those of the undead nobility within the houses of Europe know that you have spat on the noble blood of warriors who have fought for centuries. Whose blood stains the very ground that those who live today walk upon. I will be certain to speak of the swine that Stephen Báthory has become, that he too spits on blood. And sends vassals to talk to nobles because he is coward to do so himself. For Blood is the life and if you do not honor the blood, then you and your King are not fit to speak the name of the House of Báthory.”

“This is your show of power?”

Nikki glares at him, “Oh, I shall show you power, Vassal, power beyond your comprehension.”

“Now hear me my dear little fledgling. You tell your sire that you have a fortnight to surrender Esther here, or we declare war on the house of Collins. And I don’t mean the house of Báthory, I mean the Republic of Poland, my dear. You had best heed these words and heed them well. She will not be harmed, she will live a long life, of that I pledge my honor, though you seem to spit upon it.”

Nikki smiles “Honor? You sir have none,” and she spits in his face.

He glares at her, “Take heed, and remember. A fortnight.”

He slowly rises to walk away from the bench. ‘A fortnight,’ He calls back over his shoulder without looking and then he vanishes into the mist and fades into the forest.

Nikki stands now looking at the mist and hisses in anger. Then turns suddenly and hurries over to Esther are you all right?

Esther who has not moved since she drew her knife looks at her, “Is he gone?’

“Yes, the insufferable bastard. Did he hurt you?” Nikki’s fingers quickly search Esther’s throat.

‘Do you really believe all that?” Esther looks up at her and suddenly begins to check her own throat. “About the blood of warriors and stuff?”

“My mother does and I thought at least this bloody Casimir would since he serves the House of Báthory. My mother’s uncle.’

“Then that part is true?’

‘Yes. What was that letter all about?”

Esther asks still a bit in shock, “What is any of this about?”

Nikki looks at her, and sighs, and then sits down beside her gently, “I need to know what the letter was about Esther.”

“It was some kind of a contract . . . someone named Moishie ben Aliyah. pledge his life, and the life of his descendants to the service of his majesty, King Stephen.”

Nikki shakes her head sadly and takes her hand. “You know my mother is a vampire. Well, her uncle is one also. Stephen Bathory. He was once King of Poland.”

“And this contract peldges his descendants to him?”

“Which at the time would have been for a normal lifetime, but Stephen is a vampire and so . . .”

“It is still in effect?”

“I would assume so, what did Stephen pledge/”

“It was dated 1586 and it seems this Moishie ben Aliyah made the pledge for Stephen Báthory’s protection of the Jews in Poland.”

‘In 1586?”

“Yes – it was in Latin Nik, I can’t read Latin and he touched me so that I could – maybe he let me see what he wanted—maybe it’s not.”

“I would say I did not read deception from him regarding the letter,” Nikki said.

“Is this still viable?”

“As he is a vampire and still alive, he still holds this contract.” Nikki tells her, she looks down and then back up at her, “He is laying claim on you Esther via this contract.”

Esther looks puzzled, “He can do that? This is America.”

Nikki sighs, “Esther we are talking about vampires. There is no country nor any law for some of them.”


“What I do not know, is if this still stands . . . because this bastard seems to say that my blood and the blood of my mother means nothing – so, then by extension the blood contract should mean nothing as they are not honoring blood, which my Mother says is the paramount principle of those who are noble born.”

‘The contract was signed in blood – I am sure, Nik”

“Then I fear he will try to enforce it. And this minion of his, this Casimir, says he will declare war on the Collins Family and that he will come for you.”

Esther sits in stunned silence.

Nikki looks off into the distance now and sighs, “I am not certain what he meant. If this is merely a war with Stephan’s House of Báthory or with all vampires who still pledge fealty to the King of Poland. But if they come with a vampire army. I-I am but one . . . alone . . . against them.’

Esther nods and looks off into the distance also, “Well, I am not a slave. I am a free human! I was born free, and I will die free.” She pulls another cigarette out and lights it. When suddenly she looks up at Nikki as a thought dawns on her, “Why did he keep comparing me to Grandpa David?”

“I think—I think the answer to that may lie in your past. The deaths of your parent, for I the day we went back in time, I heard your father mention a journal. Your grandfather may have tried to escape this blood bond somehow. There maybe answers in his journal.”

Esther exhales a shaky breath of cigarette smoke.

Nikki sighs and ponders her choses, for she is at a loss as to what she can do against a army of vampires should Báthory have one to call. She closes her eyes as she knows she has only one last recourse . . . sand so she turns her head to look at Esther, she and takes her hand. “If he brings an army Esther, do not worry. I will not let them take you. There is something you must know about me. I have not told you.”


“You know—you are aware that I read some very horrible books.”

“Like what? The Twilight Saga?”

“The books I read as a young girl drive most people mad or corrupts their souls.” Nikki sighs, “But Esther I . . . I was never a human. I am a hybrid. I was conceived of a reanimated egg of a vampire mixed with a human, and carried in the womb of a succubus. And so, these books they did not corrupt me, as they would a normal human, rather they imparted upon me knowledge, vast, terrifying knowledge . . . as well as power, even before I was a vampire. If it comes to a war. If he comes with this army . . . then, I will give them a war the likes of which they have never seen. Esther, I” She hesitates, “I can open certain gates.”


“In reality – rifts between dimensions.”

“ . . . into the madness?”

“Yes,” Nikki tells her. “And, there is an entity who is of time and space, he is time and space, all time, past present, and future. I can call him down from the stars and he will wipe Stephen Báthory and all of his henchmen from the face of the earth, from the face of time, he, they, will all cease to exist, they will have never existed, but to do so means I will have to make a sacrifice. If they come for you and I can not stop them, I will . . . I will bring him down and . . . I . . . I will die for you. I will not let this Polish brute have you – you have suffered enough.”

“Nik,” Esther drops the cigarette on the ground and stomps on it, and turns Nikki by the shoulders to face her,” I want you to promise me something. Ok?”

Nikki looks at her, a red tear in her eye.

“I trust you with my life, and you trust me with yours. But whatever you do, do not risk the whole world for my sake. We have a fortnight? What is that? Two weeks? We will find a way to stop this in that time, but if time runs out, you have to promise me that you will not give into that urge? You cannot do this, not even for me. Can you do that for me Nik?”

“I don’t know anything else to do, Esther.” Nikki cannot stop the tears, “I could not save your family, I watched them kill them. I cannot let them take you. You— you are – you are like my sister and I . . . I don’t know what else to do.”

Esther hugs Nikki.

“You are the only good thing ever in my life.” Nikki says, “And I will give it up in a heart beat for you!”

“It won’t come to that. We’ll find a way.” She rocks Nikki back and forth, attempting to comfort her.

Nikki cannot control herself as she breaks down, “Oh, Esther you are the only true friend I have ever had.”

This on top of Rhyaad – god she is still so human, Esther thinks and hugs her tighter.

“We will find a way Nikki, you and I, together.” She tells her and then she pushes her back to look into the blood stained tears of her eyes, “Remember that day in my cabin . . . we are Collins Investigations. You and I.”

Nikki looks at the determination in Esther’s eyes, she cannot allow herself to succumb now to weakness, for Esther’s sake, and so she straightens her shoulders and sits up, wiping away the crimson tears, “Yes, together! We will stop them. We have ten days. Let me talk to my mother.”

“And, let’s see what we can do to find this journal.” Esther tells her.

“Yes, we have to find it.”

“Tomorrow, we can head on up to the old farm and search for it. Bring Sam. I have a feeling we may need her skills.” Esther rises from the bench and pulls Nikki up by the hand.

“Yes,” Nikki puts her arm around her and together they walk back through the woods, “We will go tomorrow. And we will find it.”

Cue Music End of Episode.